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Habits You Should Avoid If You Want To Be Happy

We all want to be happy. We often talk about how badly we want happiness, yet we keep repeating the same unhealthy habits over and over again.
The best way to achieve happiness is by eliminating things that aren't serving us anymore.

So read the following list of what you should stop doing, and make your life happier today:

1.    Stop complaining about what’s missing. Instead, be grateful for what you already have.
2.    Stop being a jerk to people you love. Instead, open up about what’s bothering you deep inside.
3.    Stop comparing yourself to others, because you’ll never feel good enough.Instead, focus on your strengths and let them shine.
4.    Stop pushing people away with your criticism. Instead, accept your imperfections and acknowledge theirs as well.
5.    Stop living in your past. Instead, forgive yourself and those who caused you pain and move on.
6.    Stop seeking people’s approval, because you’ll always feel that something’s missing. Instead, believe in yourself and focus on what makes you happy.
7.    Stop blaming others for your unhappiness, because you’re the author of your life. Instead, put a plan together to create the life that you want.
8.    Stop beating yourself up when you make mistakes. Instead, use them as an opportunity to grow.
9.    Stop falling into your bad habits. Instead, create new ones that will help you achieve your goals.
10.               Stop wasting your life on Facebook and on TV. Instead, find new passions that will nurture you.
11.               Stop living other people’s dreams. Instead, find your own and feel alive forever.
12.               Stop being in a rush. Instead, focus on every moment because you have all your life to complete your tasks.
13.               Stop worrying about everything. Instead, focus on every moment so you don’t miss out on miracles.
14.               Stop whining. Instead, focus on what you want and take action to get it
15.               Stop controlling others. Instead, appreciate who they are and what they are.
16.               Stop thinking you’re the smartest. Instead, appreciate the best in others and work with them to create a more harmonious world.
17.               Stop trying to impress other people. Instead, be yourself and let people love you for who you are.
18.               Stop surrounding yourself with negative people, because they’ll only bring you down. Instead, be around like minded people who appreciate you and support your growth
19.               Stop saying YES to everything. Instead, stand up for yourself and say NO lovingly, for everyone’s sake.
20.               Stop competing for success. Instead, realize that the world has enough for everyone.
21.               Stop being scared of taking your first step. Instead, gain your power back and trust the process of life. Everything happens for a “good” reason.
What are your thoughts about happiness?

Destructive Habits of Misguided Teenager

Every human being has one habit or the other and habit formation is universal among humans irrespective of color, race and religious affiliation. 
Habits do occur throughout one’s life span and some habits are not noticed by the various individuals that practice them until such behaviors are noted by others. 
Habits could be good or bad (destructive). Habits can be any activity, ranging from daily eating of food to sleeping.

The term ‘habit’, is said to be derived from the Latin word “Habitus”. Habit as a noun is an acquired behavior pattern observed regularly in an individual until it becomes almost involuntary in simple term, a habit can be seen as the usual way of behaving (something an individual does often in a regular or a repeated manner.
For instance, looking at both sides of the road before crossing could be said to be a habit, brushing your teeth after each meal is also a perfect example of a habit. Habit also means exhibiting some behavior through repetition and compulsion, howbeit often unconsciously. 

In summary, habit is repetition of a particular behavior overtime.
A destructive habit is a behavior that hurts oneself or others. Destructive habits could be deliberate or out of impulsion (force), and could be mild or severe. These destructive habits are among teenagers and youths (ranging from 13 and above).
Many psychologists have listed various and several destructive habits among humans, young people in particular according to their various local circumstances. However, many destructive habits cut across geographical location, races, religious affiliation and educational status of environments. Some common destructive habits found among teenagers in our society include the following;


Some young people often think that they cannot do well in life, and often feel inferior and defeated in life.


This destructive habit is very common among youths of today such as bullying, outright fighting and other misbehavior.


Many youths are engaged in sexual intercourse which is normally meant for married people. This is a destructive habit, particularly in this era of incurable Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS)  which is no respecter of any person, young or old.


Stealing simply means getting something that belongs to someone else without permission of the owner and without the intention to return such items. This particular habit is very common among teenagers and youths  and it occurs on daily basis at home, school, church and society at large. Most young people steal just anything from pencil picking pieces of meat from their mothers’ pots. Others steal money, clothes mobile phones etc.


Laziness is idleness or doing nothing when one is supposed to act or be alive. It is a very destructive habit common among youths of today. Even when this is very necessary or when they are left with no option, they still insist on remaining lazy and doing nothing to help matters.

Well having known all these, we just thought that you’d change and try to live to excel in your endeavors.

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