Most prefer to share some of their challenges to their friends and peer groups while many choose not to. What we should really talk about on this thread is those similar facts and challenges those our-today youths encounter.
Below are some of the challenges I can vividly say are the major challenges youths of nowadays;

Peer pressure influence is one of the major challenges a good number of youth faces today. When they can’t say no to their fellow peer probably because of the pressure forced in them by their fellow friends and peers.
Youths most times does what they do not want to, they say what they do not want to, and we kept asking ourselves why? Finished with a good and reasonable deduction in this matter, I’d rather say that it is caused by peer pressure.
Sexual harassment is another key challenge youths face. Nowadays, girls specified; face this as a common challenge here in our days. On several occasions, girls encounter this as a major challenge, they always had this in common and most times they hide such to her friends and parents.
So, having heard this, we finally have realized that sexual harassment is one of the challenge youths encounter.
Young people hardly tell their parents about their low performances in college than when they do with their good grades. Poor grades are hardly told to our fellows and this is one of the challenge young people encounters.
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